is now around 7 years since the initial events around the current
depression began, with the housing market having peaked in July 2006
in the United States, followed by the collapse of the US subprime
mortgage industry by March 2007. The house of banking cards gradually
fell in, reaching its depth with the Lehman bankruptcy in October
2008. Japan, of course, has remained in its own downturn since 1989,
when their stock exchange declined over time to one quarter of its
peak in 1989. The whole period from 1989 to March 2000 was marked by
a high level of instability, with a downturn to 1993 followed by an
upturn which led to a flow of money to East Asia which fled in 1997
precipitating an East Asian crisis, and then a dot com boom and
collapse in March 2000. The combination of 9/11 and the war on Iraq
drew the global economy out of its slump, albeit with a low rate of
a perspective in which we look back from 2014, the turning point
appears to be around 1989, when there was a downturn in Western
economies following the stock exchange crash of October 1987. Japan
has even now to recover to a period of consistent economic growth,
while Sweden and Canada went through major transformations. . It is
no coincidence that the end of the Cold War was in 1989-91, during
that global downturn. The entire period from 1940-90 was lived in the
shadow of war and Cold War. Without the political and economic
stability that it induced in ‘Western capitalism’, the future
became uncertain. The next ten years saw a series of bubbles- in East
Asia, with the implosion of the Long-term capital management fund,
and the end of the dot-come boom in March 2000.
we look at a wider perspective than the Cold War in itself, we have
to consider the origins of the Cold War and hence the Russian
Revolution and so the beginning of an era of the conscious overthrow
of capitalism. In turn, we have then to look at the First World War
and its origins in competing imperialisms which, in their turn, have
to be understood as part of the decline of capitalism. The recent
enthusiasm of bourgeois journals[Υποσημείωση] for the work
of Thomas Piketty, “Capital in the Twenty-First Century”, arises
from the author’s alternative explanation of the reality of
inequality as a natural phenomenon- that of profits growing faster
than productivity. He sees it leading to greater inequality and hence
social unrest. [Υποσημείωση] While greater income
inequality obviously helps to make people see the capitalist system
more clearly, and the disfranchised so-called middle class can be
radicalised, it is the unequal relationships between master and
servant that destabilizes the society, not simply inequality of
income, which is more of a consequence than a cause.
this point of view, there are two tasks. The nature of the present
downturn has been discussed before,[Υποσημείωση] and we
have discussed what prevents the present downturn from reaching a
natural terminus and also what propels it. Further discussion
necessarily involves selecting those of the crucial elements
continuing the downturn which cannot be overcome. In the second
place, the logic of the argument leads to a discussion of the
importance of the long term forces of decline in relation to the
depression and the Cold War.
Question of Confidence and the refusal of the Capitalist Class to
one aspect which requires detailed discussion is the limited
investment taking place. It is not that there is no investment. The
newspapers play up examples of so-called entrepreneurship, like the
Tesla, the sports electric show car, the automatically driven car or
the social media. Silicon Valley appears to permanently investing
more and more. Yet, at the same time, much of it looks like play
things for the rich, with something for the rest like Apples phones
and tablets. As Obama pointed out the central state needed to repair
thousands of bridges, and that was just part of the infrastructure
requiring urgent updating, not to speak of the need for investment in
health and education. Yet the things mentioned by the President of
the USA – coast to coast high speed rail is another instance- are
not being done.
commentators are now arguing that we have entered a period of low
growth, where major innovations are not taking place. Some even argue
that such substantial rises in productivity ceased many decades ago.
Arguments of this type like that of Piketty are obviously part of
contemporary ideology, buttressing the idea that the depression is
God-given or a result of humanity’s over indebtedness which can
only be cured by austerity. It is of course true that growth is low
to negative, but the question is why this should be the case. As
pointed out at the beginning of this essay, the downturn is now 7
years old, without a real sign that unemployment will descend to
levels before 2006.
this issue is the simple fact that businesses, particularly in the
USA and the UK, have huge surpluses which they are not investing.
Further, such surpluses are merely the tip of the iceberg. The
several trillions of dollars held by private equity firms like
Blackrock are dwarfed by the huge levels held in banks, as Bank of
New York Mellon, which I have frequently cited.
fact is that the non-investment strategy has been a feature of
capitalism since the switch to finance capital at the end of the
seventies. If looked as a conscious and deliberate strategy it could
be called an investment strike, as some do. However, it appears to be
a result of economic forces rather than a political-economic
are two fundamental forces at work. In the first instance, there is
the question of what determines the drive to invest. In classic
Marxist theory, (and not just Marxist theory) investment arises from
the need of firms to raise productivity above the herd in order to
sell more goods. Alternatively, they need to keep to the same level
as the leaders, in order not to lose their market. This is not a
recipe for perfect competition but rather rotating or changing
semi-monopolies. From this theoretical construction, one can argue in
terms both of the entrepreneur and the innovator. Schumpeter did
indeed take that route. As long as the leading firms change over time
maximum possible investment necessarily takes place.
theory does not remain at that level however. Capital is
self-expanding value. Money which is not invested is not capital, and
the owner of the money is not a capitalist but a saver or
philanthropist perhaps. Capital has to invest in order to expand its
value and so ensure its survival as capital. It is not just an
empirical form; it is part of its essence as capital that it has to
invest. Clearly if it does not invest, productivity does not grow and
the historical justification for capitalism stops operating. A
planned society controlled from below then becomes obviously superior
in this aspect alone. This is not the only consequence of course.
Most obviously, a stagnant society becomes polarised and unstable.
problem, however, is not one of zero investment over the globe, but
of a substantial proportion of funds not being re-invested both by
businesses and by the moneyed rich, or as they are called by their
banks –high net worth individuals. Today, the shift away from
simple ownership to high rewards for management has led, of course,
to increasing levels of inequality but also to a separation of
investment from the firm in that the bonuses etc. running into
billions goes into banks or private equity, or in other words into
finance capital.
difference is that finance capital is inherently short-termist and
hence will only invest if they get an adequate return within a short
period of time. As innovation in crucial change can take a long time
to get to fruition, they prefer to avoid it.
fact, the argument on the limits to investment goes back to Lenin and
Hilferding, who argued that the growth of monopoly meant that the
incentive to innovate was reduced. Firms would not expand beyond the
point of optimum revenue. Once at that point, they would not want to
invest as the risks become too great compared with their present day
spite of the constant refrain about the importance of the SMEs,
(small and medium sized firms) they are of secondary or tertiary
importance for the economy. In general, they are closely linked to
the large firms, as in the case of the automobile companies. The
small firms are important politically in ensuring support for
conservative parties, and providing a more diverse cannon fodder to
oppose change from capitalism.
second reason why the capitalist class does not invest beyond a
certain point lies in the long term uncertainty of the system itself.
This is partly a political fear of the results of full employment and
partly worries about the constantly changing political economic
environment. The latter is, in part, a preference for guarantees
provided by the state. Thus Will Hutton in an article in the British
Sunday newspaper, The Observer, reported that ““Leading City
economist Andrew Smithers, in his important book, The Road to
Recovery, argues that the collapse in business investment, weak
economic recovery and persistently high government deficit are
because UK executives across the board concentrate far too much on
short-term share price performance. Investment and research and
development, unless underwritten by the state, are far too hazardous.
Companies would rather buy back their shares and pay high dividends.”
And again“Professor Richard Jones, in a paper for the Sheffield
Political Economy Research Institute, showed that one of the
consequences of privatisation was a collapse in R&D. By 2005,
British utilities were spending a mere £15m in total, a fraction of
what they did when in public ownership and not enough to buy a decent
town house in Notting Hill. “[Υποσημείωση]
can summarise the points made as follows. In the first instance, most
firms are monopolies or monopolistic or in orthodox economic terms-
oligopolistic. They control their prices and know the demand for
their products or services and prefer to reduce disruption to these
schedules to the minimum. In the second place, the control of finance
capital re-inforces these tendencies and makes the outlook for
capital expenditure more short-termist, so effectively reducing it to
considerably lower levels depending on the period. Thirdly, the
public sector was crucial in the post-war period either in directly
investing in large scale, long –term projects or in providing
guarantees and part of the investment itself. As the public sector is
much diminished and governments are controlled or at least limited by
the conservatives who are effectively anarchists in wanting little or
no state, the result is that investment will necessarily be a
fraction of what it has been since the Second World War.
the point of view of a discussion on decline, the growth of monopoly,
relatively less aggressive push for higher productivity,
short-termist approaches are all aspects of a declining mode of
production. The holding back on investment and need for the state to
provide the necessary back-up show the new mode of production
beginning to show itself even if in a protean form.
Cold War used extensive state intervention in the economy which
stabilised the economy, maintained relatively high levels of
employment and a substantial welfare state particularly in Western
Forms of Stability in the Cold War and the results of their
my view, there were five major forms or effects of the Cold War
itself during this period, other than hot and Cold Wars, which were
crucial in ensuring that stability. Without the Cold War, these
features cannot survive. They have either to be substantially
modified or disappear completely. Since the USSR no longer exists,
and there is no likely successor, for the time being at least, the
transformation of the countries of the Warsaw Pact plays an important
part in the new character of the world. These changes were as
unprecedentedly high levels of military expenditure had underpinned
the US and so global economy. There were, of course, two major wars,
those of Viet-Nam and Korea. As these involved both open battles and
guerrilla warfare on a considerable scale, expenditure was high,
peaking in 1968. In the period 1945 down to the sixties, the two
colonial powers, the UK and France, attempted to hold on to their
colonies. France kept its West African colonies, while the UK
defeated the rebels in Malaysia and Kenya. US military expenditure is
provided for in the annual budget presented to Congress. However,
there is further expenditure under other headings in the budget, so
that the exact total is considerably larger than that officially
estimated. Nonetheless, it may be enough to look at the changes over
time to see the overall trend. These show peaks, as a proportion of
gdp, in 1968, 1986, and then a halving in the proportion of defence
expenditure in the gdp down to 3 per cent by 2000.[Υποσημείωση]
Even the increase induced by 9/11 and the wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan left defence expenditure, as a fraction of gdp, some
distance from that in the time of Reagan or earlier, though it did
ensure that the downturn of March 2000 ended. The deliberate run
–down in military expenditure under Bush Senior and under Clinton
was no coincidence. Demands for budgetary control reflected a
long-standing demand that taxes be cut. With the ‘enemy’ now
regarded as either in retreat or defeated, cuts were made.
much more could have been spent on worthy causes, but that was not
the mood of a Republican controlled government or Congress.
and Decline of USA, hid the real decline of capitalism
US replaced the UK as global imperial overlord and as a wealthier and
industrially more developed power it was both more efficient and more
able to tolerate the development of a national bourgeoisie. Whereas
the UK protected its own industry, the USA was able to permit and
encourage the development of local industrial development, under the
aegis of its own companies, which often retained technological and
managerial control.
the need to maintain control over the working class in the developed
countries led to the switch to finance capital as a mode of control.
That in turn, allowed the developed countries to export their
factories to China and other parts of the third world. This produced
an illusion of continued growth.
without the apparatus of the Cold War there was no basis for
permanent and continual investment, hence the discussion above on why
investment is curtailed.
Ideological Control. This involved a particular interpretation of
history which showed itself both in the media and in educational
institutions. It was reinforced by the realities of Stalinism and by
the fact that millions who had suffered under Stalinism had emigrated
to the West. Those who had come from those areas in an earlier period
often had relatives who related their problems to their families in
the West. The educational institutions, the press and religious
institutions produced an overwhelming and extreme anti-socialist
orthodoxy. It underpinned loyalty in the wars that were fought, and
the suppression of a left culture. It effectively shaped the left as
it emerged once the initial force of the ideological onslaught had
worn itself out. The result was that much of the left assumed that
the enemy’s enemy was their friend, others preferred an anarchistic
empiricism. Others, in their isolation, turned to dogmatism. With the
end of the Cold War, Communism was no longer a threat or even an
enemy, given the liberalism of such Communist Parties that survived.
Social democracy had already disintegrated. There could no longer be
an enforced ideological unity based on anti-communism. Attempts to
revive new forms have patently failed. In the UK, the Daily Mail
campaign against Marxism, as being necessarily Stalinist, failed
derisorily. An anti-terrorism war campaign died a death. Today, the
cry that in a time of austerity we are all in it together is very
different. It is a classic nationalist ploy, which is in itself
divisive in that the government is manifestly well-off, while figures
on inequality are almost never off the pages of the tabloids. It is a
cynical ploy in an age of cynicism. Cynicism, however, is not a
theory or understanding of society, it is a defence against action,
which will disappear when the possibility for change shows itself.
Internal security measures. The acceptance of security measures over
the left and often over any opposition to the establishment within
countries was a feature of the period. McCarthyism in the USA was a
classic example. The war on terror has increased security measures
but they are not comparable to the forms of control over the ordinary
Global policing. The maintenance of forms of global economic and
political policing by the Unites States and the former colonial
powers is considerably weakened. South America was regarded as the
backyard of the United States and both direct and indirect
intervention was common. Today, it is more limited. Chavez would not
have been tolerated in an earlier period, as shown by the way the US
helped to get rid of Allende. The limits of the US have been shown in
the Ukraine. Above all, the results of the interventions made in the
Middle East have been dubious, to say the least. The result is a
muddle and a mess looked at from the side of the ruling class. The
same kind of result may be expected in relation to Russia and the
Ukraine. Indeed, the settlement after 1991, where the USA played a
critical role, was a failure. The transition to capitalism has indeed
failed. Those in favour of capitalism say it has not been completed.
Ruling class unity. The increased cohesion of the ruling class, both
within and beyond national borders, as in the example of P2 in Italy,
ensured that left parties and groups were kept under control, through
a variety of measures. In third world countries, coups were easily
resorted to, when the ruling class felt threatened. The mass killing
of the left by the army in Argentina in the seventies was paralleled
by the events in Chile. Theorists have written of the independent
role of the army in society in view of the way it has taken power in
a number of countries at various times. However, the army cannot rule
without assistance from those who do rule in a capitalist society.
They cannot run the economy with any degree of success, unless they
are prepared to shift into a so-called command/planned economy, to
which they are generally opposed. Hence, they generally take power at
the behest of the ruling class or a section of the ruling class. As
the army command is generally from, around or in that layer it is
hardly surprising. The ruling class lived in an atmosphere of
uncertainty with a siege mentality. In developed countries, the
Communist and Left Social Democratic parties plus militant unions
created a visible threat. In fact, the Stalinist parties and the
Social Democrats were unlikely to do very much. It was only in the
seventies, when Stalinism was in decline and the working class was
militant that a real threat existed. Even if the Stalinism and the
left were never as strong as depicted, the ruling class were not
going to take any risks of another October Revolution.
attempts to replace the Cold War ideology and strategy have not been
successful. The first, that of a War on Terror, was associated with
President Bush and ended as a force before his term finished. The
second has been the theme of austerity.
austerity policy has become embattled partly through direct street
protests and other forms of direct action and partly because social
democratic parties have to oppose it, even if they enforce it in a
slightly weakened form. There have been protest movements over the
world and there is no question but that the overall downturn and
associated cuts precipitated the so-called Arab Spring. Indeed the
Ukrainian protests/uprising might not have occurred in all their
bitterness if the EU had supplied a relief programme or if the
Ukraine had been exporting more goods in the world market. There is
no question but that the protests have more to do with the failure of
the move to the market, but since a socialist alternative is not on
the cards, the economy and society are in a dire state, with the
population looking to Russia or the EU or both.
result has been that austerity rules have been tempered by extending
the period when they are to function so putting off further cuts by a
varying period of time. However, unless there is an equivalent of a
global Marshall plan, the prospect of a static or declining standard
of living will propel the population of much of the world to action.
sum, the end of the Cold War has destabilized the global economy and
polity. In the first instance, the instability has led to increased
fragmentation, muddle, and uncertainty in the context of a global
depression, which is a direct result of the end of the forms of the
Cold War. There is no left to replace the ruling class, but the
situation of the ruling class is weaker than it has been for a long
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